Simple protein diet slimming

Among the diversity plan simple diet protein slimming – can-be the most efficient, and therefore one of the most popular. Generally protein diets at the moment are many: the Kremlin, Ducane, etc., But in this article, it will be more simple of them, the so-called regime "7x7", she is 7 kg in 7 days". It is, as its name indicates, 7 days, you can lose no less than 7 kilos of weight.

Important to the dignity of such a system, which it has decided, it will not be necessary to suffer from hunger and, as a result, they are health. In addition, while respecting the recommendations and the conditions it allows in the short term to get a good result. That is, the desired weight loss.

More info about simple protein diet

The essence of such a scheme is extremely simple: the body loses weight as a result of the intensification of the consumption of foods that contain a lot of protein and, however, a very little fat and carbohydrates. When a person begins to feed this way, the body begins to feel the lack necessary for the production of energy, substances and extract of body fat. The result of the fat on the body is less and less, and the person loses weight.

What are the basic rules of the protein diet? They are the following:

  • in the daily menu must be at least 60% of products with a large number of them protein;
  • neither fats, nor carbohydrates in the food consumed, it is not
  • animals vegetables and fruit, as well as the fats they contain;
  • eat, you need to 5-6 times per day, trying to make a break between meals was not more than 3 hours;
  • thus, the compliance of the diet need to do physical exercises.

Also, before you start the exercises, very recommended to drink a glass of cocktail. Otherwise, you can cause damage to the health.

Simple protein diet slimming: what are the allowed foods

It is worth repeating: in the event of compliance with such a plan are products necessary to the maximum content of proteins. For them, including:

  • lean meat of all kinds (beef, rabbit, turkey, chicken, etc). The meat of lamb and pork is preferable to stop, since it is the meat too greasy;
  • non-fat (or better – water), fish: tuna, cod, salmon, gorbusha, pollock, and others Here, you can add a variety of seafood, with the exception of the scallops);
  • cheese durum;
  • eggs;
  • fungi;
  • low-fat dairy products (yogurt, cheese, yoghurt);
  • vegetables. Better – greens, but you and others, however, not all days;
  • the fruit "sweet and sour": citrus fruits, kiwi, apples, a few berries;
  • buckwheat, rice and oatmeal and cereal grains;
  • the whole-grain breads;
  • fruit juices fruit juices and fruit drinks and compotes without sugar;
  • ordinary water;
  • herbal teas without sugar.

It should be remembered an important rule. During a protein diet to eat foods absolute absence of fat is not recommended. Regime of diet, but also for the normal functioning of our bodies need at least of fats. Therefore, it is not quite low fat products, and of these, in which a minimum number of fat.

the products are strictly prohibited with a protein diet

What are the forbidden foods with a protein diet

Among these products are:

  • anything that contains sugar: cakes, chocolate, candy, cake, ice cream, way too sweet berries and fruits, fruit juice.
  • products made from flour: pastries, bread, pasta, crackers;
  • sausages, ham, sausages;
  • potatoes;
  • hamburgers, fast foods, all kinds of semi-finished products;
  • butter, oil, and all fats of animal origin;
  • all sorts of alcoholic beverages;
  • the salt (it helps to delay the moisture in the body, and, therefore, prevents weight loss).

In the worst case, if it is very difficult to resist and endure, you can eat 2-3 square of bitter chocolate varieties – yes, and this is not more than twice a week.

More info on protein for cocktails

Above mentioned in part of the protein for the cocktails. Let's talk more in detail of what it is and how to cook it.
Shakes protein called protein. As has been said, they are recommended required prior to mobility training sessions. In addition, they are good and as a healthy meal. Such beverages in the trade or powders that must be diluted to obtain a protein drink you can buy in the stores. Or you can prepare at home. To do this, you will need:

  • the clear water;
  • skim milk;
  • low-fat yogurt;
  • fermented milk in the oven or kefir;
  • berries or herbs;
  • as a protein intake of chicken (or better – quail) eggs or low-fat cottage cheese.

All these products are mixed with the semi-liquid is, in fact, a loan from the protein of a cocktail. It is important to know and remember: do not add sweeteners: sugar, honey, saccharin and pr This cocktail is designed to lose weight quickly, and what can be done to lose weight eating sweet?

the protein diet 3 days

Even faster...

Those who have a period of 7 days slimming seems too long, you can recommend the so-called blitz-duration – 3 days. By doing this, it is necessary to take into account some important nuances:

  • the plan in a time very stiff, and not anyone can keep;
  • such a diet can be harmful, that is to say, lead to unforeseen complications;
  • sit on a flash regime is possible only in the case where the wants, everything is in order with the heart, the stomach and the intestine, blood vessels and other organizations internal;
  • apply blitz-slimming you can not more than once per month.

Separately, it should be mentioned that you can eat with such a ferocious regime. So:

  • for breakfast – an egg (but in any case not fried);
  • for lunch and dinner – no more than 200 grams of white cheese with a minimum fat, drink that can be tasty cup of tea or coffee even;
  • eating is not allowed more than 3 times per day. The rest of the time is allowed to drink vodichku.

Out of this plan, you need not to "jerk", but gradually. Otherwise, can be unpredictable danger to the body.

On the contra-indications

Simple protein diet slimming not allow any. In particular, it is not recommended:

  • minors;
  • the elderly;
  • pregnant women and lactating mothers;
  • to those who are sick, the kidneys, the liver and the heart;
  • the diabetic;
  • someone who is bad reduces the blood, be-cause of the excess protein in the body can form thrombosis;
  • of cancer patients;
  • people of intellectual work – especially in times of responding to a task mental. In principle, protein-rich diet is not prohibited, but when the mental work is finished.

A few important recommendations

To achieve the maximum results and not to cause harm to health, to the simple observation of the protein diet slimming you should follow a few important recommendations:

the important recommendations of the protein diet
  • drink a lot of water is not less than 2 litres per day: it burns fat;
  • don't forget about the reception of multivitamins, because the plan itself is not considered to be balanced;
  • prepare all the food in a very specific way: boil, cook, steam cook, but not to wear it.

That is all. Lose weight on health!